The Title of Reform Jewish Educator (RJE)

Prior to 1968, Reform Judaism had no tradition respecting requirements or training to be a professional Jewish educator. Men and women serving as Jewish educators reflected diverse backgrounds. In December 1968, the then Union of American Hebrew Congregations-Central Conference of American Rabbis Joint Commission on Jewish Education authorized the professional designation, Fellow in Religious Education (F.R.E.), and bestowed it on Jewish educators who met prescribed criteria of training and experience. Over the next 15 years, 42 members of the then National Association of Temple Educators were granted the F.R.E.

In the mid-1970s, the above-mentioned Joint Commission on Jewish Education of the UAHC and the CCAR (later to become the URJ-CCAR-NATE Commission on Religious Education) began to explore new standards for Reform Jewish Educators. In 1980, a committee comprising the American Conference of Cantors, the Commission on Jewish Education, the Central Conference of American Rabbis, the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, and the National Association of Temple Educators began to deliberate this issue. In 1982, the committee announced criteria for a new title: Reform Jewish Educator (R.J.E.). These criteria established academic and professional standards required for all educators while recognizing the diverse backgrounds of the men and women currently in the field of Reform Jewish education.

The Reform Jewish Educator Title-Granting Commission is currently comprised of representatives from the American Conference of Cantors (ACC), the Association of Reform Jewish Educators (ARJE), the Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR), Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR), and the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ).

To date, 636 educators have earned the coveted RJE title.

The RJE Title-Granting Commission welcomes applications from people who meet the established criteria.

For additional information, Contact Robin Eisenberg, RJE, Registrar, and / or Beth Young, RJE, Chairperson.

RJE Requirements

Requirements for the Title of Reform Jewish Educator Since 1982, the Title of Reform Jewish Educator (R.J.E.) has been awarded to educators who have met certain academic and professional standards while recognizing the diverse backgrounds of those engaged in Reform Jewish education. The R.J.E. title is awarded by the RJE Title Granting Commission, comprised of representatives from the American Conference of Cantors, the Association of Reform Jewish Educators, the Central Conference of American Rabbis, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, and the Union for Reform Judaism.

Option A: Rabbinic Ordination

  1. Rabbinic ordination from the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR), or other R.J.E. Commission-approved institution, and
  2. Minimum of 36 credits or their equivalent in Education and/or Educational Administration granted by colleges and/or universities, including credits completed as part of the rabbinic program, and
  3. Educational internship of one year in a Jewish setting supervised by an R.J.E. Commission-approved academic institution or designee thereof, and served either at the time of post-baccalaureate study or thereafter, and
  4. Two years as an educational supervisor in a Reform (Liberal or Progressive) or communal Jewish setting in a post-academic appointment, and
  5. The equivalent of two academic years as teacher or group leader in a Reform (Liberal or Progressive) or communal Jewish setting.

Option B: Cantorial Investiture

  1.  Investiture from the School of Sacred Music of the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR), or other R.J.E. Commission-approved institution, and
  2. Minimum of 36 credits or their equivalent in Education and/or Educational Administration granted by colleges and/or universities, including credits completed as part of the cantorial program, and
  3. A minimum of 45 credits or their equivalent in Jewish studies, including Classical and Modern Hebrew, granted by colleges and/or universities, including credits completed as part of the cantorial program, and
  4. Educational internship of one year in a Jewish setting supervised by an R.J.E. Commission-approved academic institution or designee thereof, and served either at the time of post-baccalaureate study or thereafter, and
  5. Two years as an educational supervisor in a Reform (Liberal or Progressive) or communal Jewish setting in a post-academic appointment, and
  6. The equivalent of two academic years as teacher or group leader in a Reform (Liberal or Progressive) or communal Jewish setting.

Option C: Master’s Degree in Jewish Education

  1. Master’s Degree in Jewish Education, including Classical and Modern Hebrew, from the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR) or other R.J.E. Commission-approved institution, and
  2. Educational internship of one year in a Jewish setting supervised by an R.J.E. Commission-approved academic institution or designee thereof, and served either at the time of post-baccalaureate study or thereafter, and
  3. Two years as an educational supervisor in a Reform (Liberal or Progressive) or communal Jewish setting in a post-academic appointment, and
  4. The equivalent of two academic years as teacher or group leader in a Reform (Liberal or Progressive) or communal Jewish setting.

Option D: Master’s Degree in Jewish Studies

  1. Bachelor’s degree in Education from a recognized college or university, or a Bachelor’s degree and a minimum of 36 credits in Education and/or Educational Administration granted by colleges and/or universities, and
  2. Master’s degree in Jewish Studies, including courses in Classical and Modern Hebrew, from a college and/or university, or a minimum of 45 credits in Jewish Studies, including Classical and Modern Hebrew, granted by colleges and/or universities, of which at least nine credits are served on a graduate level, and
  3. Educational internship of one year in a Jewish setting supervised by an R.J.E. Commission-approved academic institution or designee thereof, and served either at the time of post-baccalaureate study or thereafter, and
  4. Two years as an educational supervisor in a Reform (Liberal or Progressive) or communal Jewish setting in a post-academic appointment, and
  5. The equivalent of two academic years as teacher or group leader in a Reform (Liberal or Progressive) or communal Jewish setting.* In this option only, requirements 1 and 2 are interchangeable: one may have a Bachelor’s degree in Jewish Studies and a Master’s degree in Education / Educational Administration. In either instance, Hebrew studies are required.


To date, recipients are:

Michelle Shapiro Abraham
Richard S. Abrams
Sylvia F. Abrams
Lori L. Abramson
Solomon B. Acrish
Joseph Afek
Bruce D. Aft
Martha Joy Aft, z”l
Susan Gelber Agron
April Q. Akiva
Janice P. Alper
Joel Alpert
Amy N. Appelman
Rivka Arad
Isa E. Aron
Judith Vee Aronson, z”l
Medi Aviv-Ryan
Brian Jason Avner
Vicki L. Axe
Robert D. Axelrod
Dorothy G. Axelroth, z”l
Lisa H. Bales
Laurel A. Bar-Ness
Barbara A. Bar-Nissim, z"l
Shirley Barish, z"l
Rachel Barnehama
Leora Baron
Lisa Lieberman Barzilai
Alyson Adler Bazeley
Philip N. Bazeley
Kim N. Beame
Gloria M.S. Becker
Melissa S. Bell
Daniel A. Bender
Alan D. Bennett, z”l
Daniel W. Bennett
Marla Aviva Bentley
Diane E. Berg
Elisa P. Bergenfeld
Julia Phillips Berger
Arnold Bergman
Eliezer Berkman
Ray Berman, z"l
Samuel Dov Berman, z”l
Yaffa Berman
Anne S. Berman-Waldorf
Elizabeth Seldin Best
Arthur Beyer
Orly Tova Biggie
Judith F. Bin-Nun
Ruth Birnbaum
Richard J. Birnholz
Randee Bishoff
Irene M. Blanco
Elizabeth Bloch
Flo Rita Bloch
Joel Frederick Block
Deena Bloomstone
Sherry H. Blumberg
Sara L. Blumstein
Kimberly L. Bodemer
Howard I. Bogot
Terry A. Bookman
Hana Bor
Robert D. Borman
Frances Borovetz
Nancy M. Bossov
Arliene Botnick
Richard Botton
Deborah Y. Bram
Mara I. Braunfeld
Aaron D. Braveman, z”l
Deborah Kaiz Bravo
Ilene J. Brot
Christina M. Broussard
Elaine K. Brown
H. Richard Brown, z”l
Sharon Amster Brown
Barbara Brownstein
Steven H. Burnstein
Dina Burt
Melissa L. Buyer
Arnold Carmel
Joan P. Carr
Hope A. Chernak
Irwin Chernick
Lauren Michelle Chizner
Michael S. Churgel
Joan S. Clemens
Melissa Silverman Cohavi
Bradley Jay Cohen
Dale M. Cohen
David Loren Cohen
Emily Rose Cohen
Jordan D. Cohen
Raphael I. Cohen
Staci A. Cohen
Tamara E. Cohen
Hillel Cohn
Julius Cohn
Lauren Silverstein Cohn
Debra A. Cohn-Levine
Scott E. Colbert
Edna Coleman
William A. Concoff
Brain Conyer
Julian I. Cook, z”l
Howard J. Cooper
Susan F. Cosden
Susan Amerline Cotter
Denise Lynne Crevin
William H. Cutter
Yael Dadoun
Steven C. Daum
Mindy B. Davids
Joan L. Davidson
Susanne K. Davidson
Stacey Frishman Delcau
Matthew Derby, z”l
Barry Richard Diamond
Marci B. Dickman
Cindy S. Dimenstein, z”l
Joanne R. Doades
William Dodies
Tamara M. Donnenfeld
Beth Seldin Dotan
Joy Dubinsky, z”l
Harold Dworkin, z”l
Peter L. Eckstein
Lois B. Edelstein, z”l
Andrew Edison
Benjamin Efron
Lawrence Ehrlich, z”l
Vanessa M. Ehrlich
Saul D. Eichenbaum, z”l
Margaret S. Eichner
Joseph H. Eiduson
Gloria S. Eiseman
Robin L. Eisenberg
Barbara Elish
Rebecca Elkus-Ferst
Karen R. Elson
Mark P. Elson
Kenneth A. Emert
Heather R. Erez
Bernice S. Etrog
Morris Ezry
Jack Fackerell
Joan Glazer Farber
Michael Farhi
Terri Ostach Farkas
Michael K. Fefferman
Emily Hope Feigenson, z”l
Blanche K. Feiman, z”l
Elliot D. Fein
Eve M. Fein
Morley T. Feinstein
Eric Feldheim, z”l
Gloria Feldman
Gail Teicher Fellus
Mimi Polin Ferraro, z"l
Stephanie Fields
Jed A. Filler
Stephanie Stern Fink
Kelly E. Finkel
Arthur L. Finkle
Barbara Ruth Finn
Joyce H. Fischman

Allison B. Flash
Elayne B. Flax
Andrea R. Fleekop
Paul A. Flexner
Kelly S. Fogel
Joan S. Folpe
Debra Elaine Fox
Rachel Altfeld Fox
Rena A. Fraade
Stacey Frank
Emanuel Frankel
Lisa B. Frankel
Max Frankel, z”l
Morissa R. Freiberg
Fradle Freidenreich
Anita A. Fricklas
Sheree G. Friedlander
Lisa Friedman
David N. Furash, z”l
Philip A. Gaethe
Elaine B. Gaidemak
Barbara R. Garber
M. Delott Garber
Roselyn Elise Garber
Zita Joy Gardner, z”l
Steven H. Garten
LuAnne Parker Geffen
Bert Gerard, z”l
Akiva Gerstein
Bradley R. Gerstle
Gedaliah Gertz, z”l
Robert H. Gillette
David Ginsberg, z”l
Nily Glaser
Etta Dines Gold
Melanie Cole Goldberg
Edward Goldfarb
Ellen Short Goldin
Harold L. Goldman
Jan Goldmann
Beth R. Goldstein
Irvin L. Goldstein
Lisa J. Goldstein
Marcia Logan Goldstein
Karen L. Goodis
Sally R. Goodis
Carolyn Goodman
Rebecca Z. Goodman
Roberta Louis Goodman
Keren Gorban
Arianna Lea Gordon
Susan E. Gordon
Daniel Komito Gottlieb
Marc Gozlan
Marilyn Graber
Berenica Grayzel, z”l
Marsha B. Grazman
Lori Green
Bruce Greenbaum
Gail Greenberg
Julie W Greenberg
Milton J. Greenberg
Amanda Beth Greene
Phyllis S. Greene
Michael B. Greenfield
Rachel Gillian Greengrass
Abra L. Greenspan
Ellen A. Greenspan
Wendy Rapport Grinberg
Barbara M. Gross
Adam B. Grossman
Ruth S. Gruber
Abigail R. Gumbiner
Bernard D. Gutcheon
Lynda S. Gutcheon
Deborah L. Hafetz
Eliana M. Hall
Fredda F. Hamilton
Philip C. Hankin
Laura Schwartz Harari
Barrett Harr
Vered Lynne Harris
Susanna Eva Heiman, z”l
David T. Helberg, z”l
Sarmi Helberg
Deborah Gardner Helbraun
Lillian R. Hellman
Manuel L. Helzner
Mandy Farb Herlich
Asher Herman, z”l
Dorothy C. Herman
Hayuta Hermann, z”l
Benjamin Herson
Amy Hertz
Joui Marlo Hessel
Gavin J. Hirsch
Aron Hirt-Manheimer
Lisa C. Hochberg-Miller
Seth D. Hochberg-Miller
Martin A. Hoenig
Elliot J. Holin
Dara J. Holop
Renée Frank Holtz
Jack Horowitz, z"l
Mark S. Horowitz
Jocelyn E. Hudson
Susan Kittner Huntting
Barbara G. Hyman
Laura Bramson Hyman
Tobi R. Innerfield
Esphira "Happy" Locketz Iscove
Raymond Israel, z”l
Shari A. Isserles
Steven L. Jacobs
Debby Jacoby-Pessar
Judith K. Jaffe
Nicole A. Jahr
Deborah A. Joselow
Samuel K. Joseph
Barbara Binder Kadden, z”l
Aviva M. Kadosh
Dena L. Kahn
Gail S. Kahn
Joy Kahn-Evron
Shoshana Abrams Kaikov
Marisa D. Kaiser
Saul Kaiserman
Gerald M. Kane
Earl M. Kaplan, z”l
Sara P. Kaplan
Molly Karp
Esther Karten, z”l
David P. Kasakove
Mordecai Kaspi-Silverman
Carly Brianne Kastner
Betsy D. Katz
David D. Katz
Dina Epstein Katz
Jennifer Lisa Katz
Madelyn Mishkin Katz
Jan David Katzew
Jodi N. Kaufman
Rena M. Kaufmann
Rhoda S. Kaufmanx
Gerard W. Kaye
Amy B. Kazilsky
Eve Kedem
Rony S. Keller
Debra Cotzin Kellner
Richard M. Kellner
Rachel Petroff Kessler
Edward D. Kiner
Shoshanah D. King-Tornberg
Paul J. Kipnes
Lenore C. Kipper
Linda R. Kirsch
Beth H. Klafter
Valerie H. Klein
Sally G. Klein-Katz
Donna M. Kleiner-Lichtman
Elliott A. Kleinman
Monica Kleinman
Janis M. Knight
Alison B. Kobey
Elisa Koppel
Toby M. Koritsky
Lee A. Korobkin
Nili H. Kosmal

Lillian S. Kowalski
Leonard Kramish
E. Robert Kraus
Ilana S. Kritzler
Howard Owen Laibson
Shirley Laiks
Julie Lebenson Lambert
Lisa B. Langer
Robert M. Lask
Sarah C. Lauing
Harry Lawrence
Tamara S. Lawson
Jeffrey B. Lazar
Shauna Mae Leavey
Abra P. Lee
Sara S. Lee
Ronald F. Leff
Ellen Cindy Lefkowitz
Robin J. Leszner
James J. Levbarg, z”l
Harvey M. Leven
Lisa Levenberg
Alan Levin
Aviva Davids Levin
Nancy Prager Levin
Audrey B. Levine
Erin Samantha Levine
Harriet M. Levine
Lawrence J. Levine
David C. Levy
Molly A. Levy
Judith G. Lichtig, z”l
Paul Alan Lichtman
Anne M. Lidsky
Chaim M. Lieberperson
Rina Liebeskind
Stanley B. Liedeker, z”l
Joanne L. Lipshutz
Norman S. Lipson
Louis Lister, z”l
Rebecca Lister, z”l
Lesley R. Litman
Haydee Goodman Litovsky
Jessica E. Locketz
Albert Loew, z”l
Marcia Rich Louchheim
Marilyn Lubarsky
Selena Adrienne Luftig
Lauren E. Luskey
Melvin Luterman
Barry M. Lutz
Michelle J. Lynn
Ellen F. Mack
Jamie Lynn Mafdali
Jennifer R. Magalnick
Dana L. Magat
Shana Roth Magidovitch
Lyn Malofsky
Elaine B. Mandel
Ilana Mansharov
Betsy Barth Marantz
Craig H. Marantz
Audrey Friedman Marcus
Fred W. Marcus, z”l
Rachel Anna Margolis
Elise Cohen Margosis
Rachel Kaplan Marks
Stephanie Marshall
Sara Martin
Ashley Marx
Jeffrey A. Marx
Joshua A. Mason-Barkin
Deborah Ellen Massarano
Helene Shein Matthias, z”l
Babette Maza
Ben Mazur
Barbara P. Merson
Emily Gill Messinger
Holly Anne Michelson
Roseann P. Michelson
Kenneth A. Midlo, z”l
Eric D. Milgrim
Kate Pachman Milgrom
Sophie Carver Miller
Leona J. Mills, z”l
Phyllis Mintzer, z”l
Valerie Joy Marshall Mitrani
Nina Jane Mizrahi
Rhonda L. Mladinoff, z"l
Carolyn Moore Mooso
Judith Morag
Richard M. Morin, z”l
Deborah L. Wasserman Morosohk
Susan D. Morrel
Bonnie S. Morris
Sharon S. Morton
Irma M. Moskowitz
Nachama Skolnik Moskowitz
Sander J. Mussman
Marlene Myerson
Laura A. Naide
Gail F. Nalven
Kim Nathanson
Aimee Neibert
Samuel Nemzoff
Jason Nevarez
Charlene Newman
Neil Newman
Richard Albert Newman
Helga Newmark
Deborah S. Niederman
Sheryl L. Nosan
Shoshana Beth Nyer
Kerry M. Olitsky
Sallie D. Olson
Ray Opatowsky
Jacov W. Oppenheimer
Michael A. Oppenheimer
Gerald L. Orlen
Joel D. Oseran
Jordan M. Ottenstein
Teresa C. Parker
Frances B. Pearlman
Marla Rachel Peckman
David Perolman
Laura Siegel Perpinyal
Eric Steven Petersiel
Nancy Pryzant Picus
Daniel Plotkin
Judith A. Podolsky
Joseph A. Poisson
Lisa B. Pressman
Nina K. Price
Dana K. Prottas
Rochelle Buller Rabeeya
Harvey A. Raben
Charles P. Rabinowitz
Bruce A. Raff
Tamar S. Raff
Jay Aron Rapoport
Lillian Weinstock Rappaport
Steven H. Rau
Lara Pullan Regev
Rebecca R. Reice
Cynthia F. Reich
Harold A. Reingold, z”l
Constance R. Reiter
Janet A. Resnick
Lauren L. Resnikoff
David K. Ressler
Steven Carr Reuben
Magda F. Reyes
Louise A. Riddell-Kaufman
Rena Rifkin
Stacy Eskovitz Rigler
Dan. L. Robbins
Dorothy D. Robbins
Sandra P. Robbins
Kimberly Ellen Roberts
Miles L. Roger
Zachary M. Rolf
Cathy M. Rolland
Jenny R. Romalis
Caryn Roman
Norman T. Roman
Sunny Romer
Bilha Ron
Ruth Greenfield Rone

Ruth W. Rose
Heather Rosenthal
Stacy H. Rosenthal
Felicia Beth Goodman Ross
Sandra Ross
Amy Trager Rossel
Seymour H. Rossel
Donald B. Rossoff
Lyle Stuart Rothman
Tova Rothschild
Shari Rothstein
Evie Levy Rotstein
Roslyn J. Roucher
Debi M. Rowe
Judith Rowland
Tamara Coty Ruben
Jessie Leah Koppel Rubenstein
George Rubin
Renee J. Rubin
Ann Rubin-Goldman
Hannah Rubin-Schlansky
Eve Rudin
Birgit Anderson Sacher
Debra Lynn Sagan
James L. Sagarin
Lori Baumblatt Sagarin
Kendra Leigh Sager
Anna M. Salomon
Maurice Alan Salth
Arnold D. Samlan
Benjamin Ian Sandler
Esther Saritzky
Richard I. Schachet
Miriam M. Schaffer
Shirley A. Schatz, z”l
Aviva Scheur
Rolf W. Schickler, z”l
Stanley Tevya Schickler
Phillip Schimmel
Alexander Schindler, z”l
Helene S. Schlafman
Sandra Schlanger
Jeremy Alan Schneider
Kyla Epstein Schneider
Ellie Tepper Schulman
Ann Kibel Schwartz
Iris L. Schwartz
Katherine Schwartz
Michelle R. Schwartz
Phillip J. Schwartz
Stephanie Alyse Schwartz
Wendy L. Robinson Schwartz
Ira H. Schweitzer
David Michael Scott
Maxine H. Segal
Joyce W. Seglin
Cheryl L. Seidman
Judith M. Seiff
Abraham Seigel, z”l
Mona Senkfor
Lynn Serle
Isaac Serotta
Barry Shainker
Roxanne J. S. Shapiro
Stacy Lee Shapiro
Theodore Sharfman, z”l
Thelma R. Shenkman
Randi E. Sher
Mindy F. Sherry
Barbara J. Shimansky
Michael J. Shire
Irwin Shlachter
Ellyn B. Shriber
Michael S. Shulman
Alexandria R. Shuval-Weiner
Paul D. Sidlofsky
Shara L. Siegfeld
Cheri Ellowitz Silver
Judy Silver
Janette M. Silverman
Lesley M. Silverstone
Karen Kaminsky Simmonds
Kim Brenden Singer
Debra Jill Siroka
Andrew R. Sklarz
Leo Slov
Tina M. Sobo
Jesse Sodden
Evita R. Sokol
Bradley Solmsen
Josephine K. Solomon
Marlene G. Solomon
Phyllis A. Sommer
Leonore Sones
Morris Sorin
Jack L. Sparks
Jack D. Spiro
Saul Spiro
Julie R. Spitzer, z”l
Bailee Rebecca Star
Sidney W. Starr
Amy Beth Stein
Steven E. Steinbock
Eleanor Steinman
Jill Allenberg Stepak
Miriam Heller Stern
Phyllis C. Stern
Melissa Zalkin Stollman
Zena W. Sulkes, z”l
Daniel Syme
Ronald B. Symons
Stephanie B. Tankel
Pauline Tannenbaum
Alex Tansky
Arnold S. Task
Lisa Tenenbaum
Rachel Nicole Tichauer
Larry B. Tishkoff
Lynn Susan Tishler
Robert E. Tornberg
Gerdy Trachtman
Karen H. Trager
Edward Sheldon Treister
Janice Ilene Tytell
Jo-Ellen Unger
Eran Vaisben
Miriam S. Van Raalte
Julie A. Vanek
Lisa S. Vernon
Carrie J. Vogel
Harriet Vogel
Matthew Vogel
Benice Waitsman
Alan Edwin Waldman
Carly Erica Wallenstein
Jane West Walsh
Marvin S. Walt
Heinz Warschauer, z”l
Joy B. Wasserman
Yonni Limmer Wattenmaker
Melanie Beth May Waxman
Vicki L. Weber
Sharon L. Wechter
Alison K. Weikel
Tami L. Weisman
Karen Winkler Weiss
Kenneth Scott Weiss
Dorothy Wexler
Sandra J. Whitecross
Laura Novak Winer
Cheryl F. Wise
Ira Joseph Wise
Joel Ira Wittstein, z”l
Rachel Mersky Woda
Bess Wohlner
Maria Korenstein Wolf
Myra Yedwab
Beth E. Young
Michael Zeldin
Margie A. Zeskind
Brad M. Zicholtz
Eve Zilberman
Rebecca J. Zimmerman
Gary P. Zola
Sue J. Zucker, z”l
Leila G. Zuckerman
Leonard Zukrow
Josh D. Zweiback
Mary S. Zwerin, z”l